all postcodes in GU34 / ALTON

find any address or company within the GU34 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU34 4AA 0 51.145141 -1.003077
GU34 4AB 0 51.147301 -1.003259
GU34 4AD 1 51.14489 -1.007428
GU34 4AE 0 51.142128 -1.01149
GU34 4AF 0 51.14102 -1.016959
GU34 4AG 0 51.143455 -1.017808
GU34 4AH 0 51.144772 -1.010832
GU34 4AJ 0 51.139698 -1.022977
GU34 4AL 0 51.13967 -1.029339
GU34 4AN 0 51.138018 -1.030731
GU34 4AP 1 51.134825 -1.035428
GU34 4AQ 1 51.143076 -1.0155
GU34 4AR 0 51.140048 -1.038435
GU34 4AS 0 51.140869 -1.036574
GU34 4AT 0 51.145861 -1.027694
GU34 4AU 0 51.147763 -1.022879
GU34 4AW 0 51.137452 -1.029714
GU34 4AX 0 51.147008 -1.009355
GU34 4AY 0 51.143752 -1.011098
GU34 4BD 1 51.147282 -0.977125